- Who can I contact if I have questions or if I am looking for support?
- What is the purpose of Pentecost 2025?
- What is the full cycle of evangelism for Pentecost 2025?
- What is Pentecost 2025?
- What is a proclamation event?
- What if we signed up for Pentecost 2025 and decided later not to participate?
- What do I need to do, or who do I contact to get involved?
- What can I do to prepare as an individual to lead Pentecost 2025 at my local church or school?
- We’re a small church and don’t have any preachers. What can we do?
- My school signed up for Pentecost 2025. Are there materials for schools? Is there a way to sign up for Pentecost?
- Is there a way to sign up for Pentecost?
- How is funding distributed?
- How can the NAD funding be used?
- How can I engage my community in preparation for Pentecost 2025?
- Do I have to preach a sermon?
- Are there resources for us to have activities for children during proclamation events?
Who can I contact if I have questions or if I am looking for support?
Each NAD union and conference has a Pentecost 2025 coordinator. For questions or other support, please contact your local conference, union, or NAD office. For the NAD office, call 443-391-7200 and ask to speak with someone regarding Pentecost 2025.
What is the purpose of Pentecost 2025?
To learn more about Pentecost 2025, check out the webinar “What is Pentecost 2025,” in which NAD president G. Alexander Bryant discusses this initiative with other NAD leaders. To see a list of all the webinars, click here.
What is the full cycle of evangelism for Pentecost 2025?
The cycle of evangelism is not meant to be a one-off, where we hold one event/series and then are done. Pentecost 2025 is about returning to the model Jesus and, later, the disciples used. Pentecost 2025 shouldn’t end in 2025 but instead be a part of a transformation in our communities, churches, and relationships — a new way of engaging with the world. The Pentecost 2025 initiative has four main parts: Prayer; community engagement; proclamation events; and discipling.
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit: Prayer must be the starting place for any event/series. Prayer must continue to be a hallmark of every Pentecost 2025 activity. There will only be success where the Holy Spirit is present and working in the lives of all involved.
2. Community Engagement: Take advantage of training opportunities. Engage in “10,000 Digital Disciples Social Media Training,“ take advantage of regional training opportunities, or join the NAD’s monthly webinars. These sessions are crafted to enhance your digital presence and effectiveness in face-to-face evangelism.
Work with your church to plan events to impact your community. Consider health-related seminars, personal financial management training, marriage and family life support, and recreational activities like basketball, soccer, or pickleball events. Look for ways to meet a need and build friendships
3. Proclamation Events: For these meetings, consider starting with “New Beginnings,” an essential evangelistic toolkit that provides a solid foundation for sharing the gospel. Supplement this with resources such as “A Picture of God,” “Jesus 101,” and valuable programs from “Voice of Prophecy,” “It Is Written, “ and “Breath of Life.”
Direct your efforts toward leading public evangelistic series and conducting Bible study groups. These activities are pivotal for reaching broad audiences, facilitating deep scriptural engagement, and promoting spiritual growth and understanding.
4. Discipleship: Invite new members to participate in further Bible study, small groups, and other spiritual and social opportunities in your church.
What is Pentecost 2025?
In Acts 2, one can see how Pentecost dramatically impacted the early church. It marked the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide His disciples. On that day, as the Holy Spirit filled Christ’s followers, the church multiplied in number from 120 to 3,000 believers.
The Pentecost serves as a reminder today of the call to engage in mission and evangelism. All of us church leaders and members, play a pivotal role in mobilizing for evangelism. With Pentecost 2025, our goal in North America is to hold at least 3,000 proclamation initiatives in 2025, with 2024 a year of “Preparing for Pentecost.” We are in this together! Let’s take the words of Matthew 24:14 to heart: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (NIV).
Pentecost 2025 is for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across the North American Division. Every member, pastor, teacher, young adult, student, and child is encouraged to participate.
What is a proclamation event?
Proclamation events are strategically designed activities focused on communicating the message of the Christian gospel and the distinctive beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist faith to diverse audiences. These events adapt various engaging formats for maximum impact:
Evangelistic Series: Public events that vividly present the gospel and Adventist doctrines, creating a welcoming environment for community exploration and connection with our faith.
Bible Study Groups: Sessions held in-person or online, providing a communal setting for participants to delve into biblical teachings, fostering an environment of learning and spiritual enrichment.
Health and Bible Study Proclaiming Events: Emphasizing the holistic approach to evangelism, your church could, for example, utilize the latest resource from ASI and It Is Written with Pastor John Bradshaw, the “New Beginnings Health Bible Study Guide Set” available at It Is Written Shop. These guides combine physical well-being with spiritual growth, offering a comprehensive study experience that addresses the needs of the whole person.
The purpose of these events is to manifest and share the hope and love found in Jesus Christ, encouraging people to embrace the faith. By engaging in these proclamation events, we follow the biblical example set forth at Pentecost, empowering individuals to discover and grow in their spiritual journey under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What if we signed up for Pentecost 2025 and decided later not to participate?
Churches or schools that have signed up but decide not to participate must notify their local conference and the NAD office and return any funding received from the NAD.
What do I need to do, or who do I contact to get involved?
There are several ways to get involved in Pentecost 2025:
• The first is through prayer. Each month, churches and schools start their Pentecost 2025 initiatives. You can check out the Pentecost2025.com website or sign up for our monthly Pentecost 2025 newsletter to receive the list of churches and schools to pray for each month.
• In addition to prayer, reach out to your local pastor to learn how to support your church’s outreach plans.
• Consider giving: For those who want to make a special donation, AdventistGiving offers the option to give to Pentecost 2025. Simply go to the website www.adventistgiving.org and log in. Make sure your local NAD church is selected, then go to “World Offerings.” Select the “Pentecost 2025” tab, enter the amount you are giving, and follow all prompts to confirm the donation.
What can I do to prepare as an individual to lead Pentecost 2025 at my local church or school?
Pentecost 2025 is focused on prayer, the Holy Spirit, transformation, and engagement.
In Acts 2, we see the apostles in the upper room in prayer. The starting point for us in prayer can be those same seven prayers of Acts. Consider also leading or joining a prayer group at your church and viewing our training webinars “How to Transform Your Church Through Prayer” and “How To Organize Your Church For Prayer”
To become involved in Pentecost 2025, contact your local pastor, elder, or principal and see what areas they need support in. Reflect, pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you where you could best help.
Consider viewing our training webinars with topics such as “How To Give A Bible Study” or “Online Evangelism” or you can contact your local conference or union to learn more information and register for in-person training.
We’re a small church and don’t have any preachers. What can we do?
Please contact your local conference. They can help you connect with leaders who can support your church.
My school signed up for Pentecost 2025. Are there materials for schools? Is there a way to sign up for Pentecost?
Yes. Please review the School Evangelism Resources page on our Pentecost 2025 website.
Is there a way to sign up for Pentecost?
Yes, pastors and layleaders can learn more and sign up at www.nadadventist.org/pentecost2025.
How is funding distributed?
Upon application acceptance, 50 percent of the approved NAD funds will be dispersed in December 2024, flowing through the union and conference to the local church/school for those approved applications received between July and November 2024.
The final 50 percent will be sent through the same process after the proclamation event has been completed and a church post report or a school post report is submitted to the NAD and approved. If you have signed up for text message alerts, you will be alerted when funds are distributed. For further questions, please contact your local conference.
How can the NAD funding be used?
The funding from the North American Division can only be used for directly related expenses for the Pentecost 2025 initiative. The criteria is listed on the NAD application, as well as a budgeting section.
How can I engage my community in preparation for Pentecost 2025?
Ministering to the needs of people and developing relationships is critical if we are going to follow Jesus’ model for soul winning. On an individual level, we can do this by sincerely reaching out to neighbors, co-workers, and others with friendship, encouragement, and acts of compassion.
A church/school group might also use felt-needs seminars, food pantries, literature distribution, Bible studies, and more. Prayerfully and creatively assess what your community might need and start there! For some ideas, check out what one church in Louisiana is doing.
Do I have to preach a sermon?
You do not have to preach a sermon but must give the written word according to Scripture. The NAD’s Pentecost2025.com website has many free resources for sermon presentations, videos, coinciding study guides, Bible studies, and webinar training, including resources for school evangelism.
Are there resources for us to have activities for children during proclamation events?
Yes. New Beginnings has two children’s series available for download that are excellent for teaching children ages 4-12. In addition to teaching about the Bible, they include engaging nature nuggets.