Frequently Asked Questions


What is Pentecost 2025?

In Acts 2, one can see how Pentecost dramatically impacted the early church. It marked the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide His disciples. On that day, as the Holy Spirit filled Christ’s followers, the church multiplied in number from 120 to 3,000 believers.

The Pentecost serves as a reminder today of the call to engage in mission and evangelism. All of us church leaders and members, play a pivotal role in mobilizing for evangelism. With Pentecost 2025, our goal in North America is to hold at least 3,000 proclamation initiatives in 2025, with 2024 a year of “Preparing for Pentecost.” We are in this together! Let’s take the words of Matthew 24:14 to heart: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (NIV).

Pentecost 2025 is for all Seventh-day Adventist churches across the North American Division. Every member, pastor, teacher, young adult, student, and children is encouraged to participate.

What is required to participate?

Pentecost 2025 is meant to encourage proclamation events that teach the Christ-centered, Biblical teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Appeals to accept Jesus as Savior and to join the Adventist Church through baptism or profession of faith need to be included. There should be at least 15 sessions (the first 10 could be done in a small group Bible study format) with five public preaching proclamation and appeals taking place. Schools can participate but a local church must be connected. Click on this link to register.

Is there support? Who can I call for help? Are there resources?

Your pastor, local conference ministerial director and/or evangelism coordinator will be able to provide assistance. Plus, there will be monthly online training provided from the NAD, a quarterly newsletter with valuable information and resources, and online resources at the Pentecost 2025 site. These resource materials are from many NAD ministries and are culturally inclusive.

Is there a way to sign up for Pentecost?

Yes, pastors and layleaders can learn more and sign up at

When does Pentecost 2025 begin?

July 2024 is when registration kicks off and preparation begins. The Pentecost 2025 initiative is for the full calendar year 2025 — and beyond. Again, registration opens in July 2024.

How can I engage my community in preparation for Pentecost 2025?

Ministering to the needs of people and developing relationships is critical if we are going to follow Jesus’ model for soul-winning. On an individual level we can do this by sincerely reaching out to neighbors, co-workers and others with friendship, encouragement, and acts of compassion. A church/school group might also use felt-needs seminars, food pantries, literature distribution, Bible studies, etc. Check out the section 2024 – Preparing for Pentecost for resources and ideas for connecting with people in your community.

How do I start?

Embarking on the path of Pentecost 2025, you’re invited to deepen your engagement with evangelism through accessible, enriching resources and training opportunities. Here’s a roadmap to begin:

Pray: Prayer must be the starting place for any event/series. Prayer must continue to be a hallmark of every Pentecost 2025 activity. There will only be success where the Holy Spirit is present and working in the lives of all involved.

Leverage Essential Resources: Start with “New Beginnings,” an essential evangelistic toolkit that provides a solid foundation for sharing the gospel. Supplement this with resources such as “A Picture of God,” “Jesus 101,” and valuable programs from “It Is Written“ and “Breath of Life.”

Undergo Comprehensive Training: Engage in “10,000 Digital Disciples Social Media Training,“ take advantage of regional training opportunities, or join the NAD’s monthly webinars (for those who have signed up and received approval). These sessions are crafted to enhance both your digital presence and your effectiveness in face-to-face evangelism.

Engage with BelieversRegistering to “Plug into Pentecost” connects you with a vibrant community of believers, all dedicated to the mission of gospel proclamation. This partnership ensures you’re equipped with the latest strategies, updates, and support.

Focus on Evangelism and Bible Study: Direct your efforts toward leading public evangelistic series and conducting Bible study groups. These activities are pivotal for reaching broad audiences and facilitating deep scriptural engagement, promoting spiritual growth and understanding.

Explore Financial Assistance: For pastors, church leaders and/or school organizations, look into available financial sponsorship options to support significant evangelistic projects, ensuring their reach and success.

I need financial assistance and heard that there is funding available. What are the prerequisites for churches to receive NAD funding?

1. There must be a planned “proclamation event,” i.e., a series of Bible truths presented and a personal call to follow Jesus extended.

2. Must be voted by the church board.

3. Completed application must be submitted and approved.

How can my church/school apply for funding?

While the NAD is providing up to $3,000 per church/school, you may be eligible to receive additional support through your local conference or union. Working through the NAD application, after your church/school board has voted your event, will help this process.

How can the NAD funding be used?

The funding from the North American Division can only be used for directly related expenses for the Pentecost 2025 initiative. The criteria is listed on the NAD application, as well as a budgeting section.

Does funding apply only to large, big city churches?

No. Funding is available to all officially-recognized churches/schools regardless of size or location.

What is a proclamation event?

Proclamation events are strategically designed activities focused on communicating the message of the Christian gospel and the distinctive beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist faith to diverse audiences. These events adapt various engaging formats for maximum impact:

Evangelistic Series: Public events that vividly present the gospel and Adventist doctrines, creating a welcoming environment for community exploration and connection with our faith.

Bible Study Groups: Sessions held in-person or online, providing a communal setting for participants to delve into biblical teachings, fostering an environment of learning and spiritual enrichment.

Health and Bible Study Proclaim Events: Emphasizing the holistic approach to evangelism, your church could, for example, utilize the latest resource from ASI and It Is Written with Pastor John Bradshaw, the “New Beginnings Health Bible Study Guide Set” available at It Is Written Shop. These guides combine physical well-being with spiritual growth, offering a comprehensive study experience that addresses the needs of the whole person.

The purpose of these events is to manifest and share the hope and love found in Jesus Christ, encouraging people to embrace the faith. By engaging in these proclamation events, we follow the biblical example set forth at Pentecost, empowering individuals to discover and grow in their spiritual journey under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Do I have to preach a sermon?

You do not have to preach a sermon, but you must give the written word according to the Scripture. The NAD will also provide sermon helps and webinars to help get you ready.

What if our church/school plans to hold more than one event?

You may hold as many events as you are able! And if you do, please submit a new application for each event to be counted in Pentecost 2025! Please note that NAD funding is only available once per church or school.

How is funding distributed?

Upon application acceptance, 50 percent of the approved NAD funds will be dispersed in December 2024, flowing through the union and conference to the local church/school for those approved applications that are received between July and November 2024. The final 50 percent will be sent through the same process after the proclamation event has been completed and a report is submitted.