In the Bible, in Acts 2, we see Jesus giving his disciples instructions. He told His disciples not to do anything, go anywhere, do any preaching, healing, or miracles. Yet, Jesus told them to do what? Go to the upper room, do nothing, and wait for the promise. Acts 1 shows the disciples in the upper room, where they all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14, New International Version). There were 7 prayers of Acts 2 that the disciples prayed.

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Each Month one of our NAD unions will lead out in a daily focused prayer. Are you a leader or member interested in joining the daily prayer focus? See the attached month focuses and reach out to the local union for more on how they have organized the prayer for the month.

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Take the Pentecost Challenge

Are you up for a challenge?
Are you ready for your personal faith and confidence in God’s promises to be inspired? Is it time to be transformed by the Spirit of the Living God?
If you are the 40-day journey with Jesus is for you. No, it is not a Week of Prayer. It is not 10 Days of fasting and prayer. It is much more than that, it is 40 days of intentionally going on a journey with Jesus.
The challenge is for your own personal spiritual life development and transformation. It is for you to be changed, inspired, empowered, and transformed by a consistent time with Jesus for 40 days.
Take the life-changing challenge!

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Impressions Journal – Momentum

Open yourself to God’s presence. Ask God to speak to you and to reveal Himself through His Word. This Impressions Journal provides a pathway for you to study key texts and write your impressions in a year-long journey with God. Each week you will be presented with the text for the week. Every day you will read this text and write what you think the text means in your experience. This journal is perfect for recording your reactions and insights, writing your prayers, and listing your questions. Welcome to the journey!

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10 Days of Prayer for Children

We want everyone to join us. Join the NAD as we launch our 10 Days of Prayer for Pentecost 2025 on January 8, 2024, at 9 pm (EST). Register Today. For 10 days, we will pray for different aspects of the Holy Spirit to pour out on us. Pray individually, with family, friends, or in groups. Click the link to download more information and each day’s prayer focus.

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Looking for more prayer resources? Adventsource has many books available for purchase on topics such as small group prayer, prayer for children, passionate prayer life, and more.  Are you wondering what Ellen White says about prayer? Adventsource has her writings too.

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10 Days of Prayer

Join the NAD as we launch our 10 Days of Prayer for Pentecost 2025 with a special, live prayer meeting on January 8, 2024, at 8:45 p.m. (EST). Register Today.. For 10 days, we will pray for different aspects of the Holy Spirit to pour out on us as in the days of the disciples and Pentecost in Acts. Pray individually or with prayer partners or in groups. Click the links on each day to see more information.

Pentecost Prayer Meeting
DAY 1Our Need of the Holy Spirit
DAY 2The Witness of the Holy Spirit
DAY 3Victory Through the Holy Spirit
DAY 4The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
DAY 5The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
DAY 6The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
DAY 7Praying in the Holy Spirit
DAY 8Submission of the Holy Spirit
DAY 9The Work of the Holy Spirit
DAY 10Abiding in the Holy Spirit