A few Resources that can help you in your proclamation meetings


A Picture of God

As we discover truths about God, we begin to see more and more of who He is. In other words, we develop “A Picture of God.” Our goal with the “A Picture of God” Bible study is to share Jesus, so that anyone who seeks Him can see how wonderful and life-changing He truly is.

Ministerial Multiply

Multiply is a collective vision of pastors, members, and administrators to multiply the kigndom of God in North America through baptizing , equipping, and planting.

Jesus 101

The Jesus 101 Biblical Institute
exists to introduce people to the real Jesus of the gospel, and to equip them to share His love with others.

It is Written

It Is Written offers free online Bible studies for adults and children. Health studies are also available.
All studies are available in English or Spanish.

Breath of Life

New Beginnings

This powerful collection of evangelism resources is designed to empower laypeople to share their faith. It includes the complete New Beginnings series, with presentations and sermon notes for ages all the way through adult.

The Bible Lab

The Bible Lab is an interactive Bible study program designed to investigate and discover the authentic character of God. Through responsible methods of biblical interpretation, considering language, syntax, culture, and what the whole of Scripture says on a topic, we research together in a dialogical setting. Learn how to start a Bible Lab in your community with free study guide materials HERE

Voice of Prophecy

This page has been specifically created by us to feature all of the free resources we have to offer churches for P2025. It also includes our selected resources for schools.